Niels Benedikter

Quantitative Aspects of Traffic

How to Reduce Congestion I: Optimal Speed Limit for Urban Traffic

How a mean-field model predicts the most fluid traffic flow on urban streets if the speed limit is 30km/h. And what real-world observation has to say about that.

Download as PDF: English - Deutsch - Italiano. Or read directly online in English.

RandomPhysics made a Youtube video about this: "Limite di velocità ottimale per decongestionare il traffico in città" (in Italian)

This has also been picked up in the UK by the organization "20's Plenty for Us".

And finally, Andres Snitcofsky made an interactive version where you can play with the parameters.

How to Reduce Congestion II: Optimal Speed Limit for Highways

How the Nagel-Schreckenberg model explains the emergence of traffic jams out of thin air. Understand the differences to urban traffic and find out what the optimal (in view of reducing congestion) speed limit for highways is. To appear.

Shortcuts Cause Congestion: Braess's Paradox

Closing existing roads can improve the traffic flow. Or how the Nash equilibrium may not equate with the best overall flow through a network. To appear. Come le scorcatoie creano congestione. Wie Abkürzungen Staus verursachen.

Comparison of travel times in Milan

Bicycle versus car versus public transportation: who is the winner at different times and on different routes in the city?

Surprise: also Bergamo - Milano and Magenta - Milano are faster by public transport than by car (and significantly cheaper).

To be expanded


Become Active

Embrace the cycling revolution and never miss the thrill of whizzing past endless lines of frustrated car commuters. Don't be left behind in traffic jams – soar ahead on your bike, arrive swiftly, park effortlessly, and savor the joy of being home while others are still stuck in the rush.
